Rose Gillespie

Rose Gillespie


Rose was first introduced to Country Western and Line Dance in 1986 while on vacation in the USA. She preferred couple dance but had a problem finding a place to continue on her return to Scotland.
By 1995 she had obtained teaching qualifications through several different organisations and opened her own dance school. It was a success and she soon received invitations to dance and teach at festivals, weddings, promotional events and on National Television.
She obtained her judge qualifications and became a trainer and examiner with the NTA in Scotland. Having her own local television programme in country western dance was one of the highlights of her career.
Today she is heavily involved in the World Country Dance Federation (WCDF) where she holds the positions of: Event Director, International Judge, Contest Coordinator, Secretary, Rules Board and Management Team member, and works with the Marketing Team.

Barry Arbeider

Barry Arbeider


From an early age, dance has been a fundamental part of Barry´s life.  He started dancing, teaching, coaching and judging almost 30 years ago.

He has taken part in countless dance competitions and workshops as well as performed in numerous shows.

He is a line and couple dancer, as well as a multiple Pro-Am World Champion. He rapidly reached the division ”Champions” in Couples and ”Supreme” in Pro-Am.

At present, Barry is still dancing in Pro-Am and  Couples, is an active International Judge, and also the contest coordinator of many WCDF events. For more than a decade, he has been the Head of the WCDF Rules Board and has teamed up with the Judge Education Board for moe than 5 years.

Barry loves to encourage and engage students to reach their goals, planning dance classes and developing dance curricula accordingly. He selects the music, choreographs routines for competitions and events, providing a fun and creative ambiance, keeping up to date with all the dance forms and implementing any changes to the dance routines as required.










Rose Gillespie

Rose Gillespie

Contest Coordinator

Herman Falkenberg - Netherlands

Herman Falkenberg - Netherlands


               Luana Giliberti - Italy

Luana Giliberti - Italy


             Joan Morro - Spain

Joan Morro - Spain


        Helene Callmyr - Sweden

Helene Callmyr - Sweden


   Unai Pino Navarro

Unai Pino Navarro


Social Workshop DJ

Annelie Zakrisson

Annelie Zakrisson



Social Workshop Instructor

Social Workshop Instructor

Social Workshop Instructor

Floor Coordinator

Floor Coordinator

Dusty Gillespie

Dusty Gillespie
